Tuesday, May 21, 2013


It has been a question asked throughout the ages. "Why am I here, what IS my purpose in life?"  It seems that every man, woman and child has had that very question go through their mind at some point or another.  I have asked myself that question a time or two and there have even been books written in an attempt to answer it.  Yes, inquiring minds really do want to know,

What is the purpose of life?  

I discovered a while back that the Holy Bible has the answer.  It is found in the book of Ecclesiastes which was written by King Solomon, the guy to whom God gave more wisdom and knowledge to than any other man to this day.

Now Solomon, like all of us, wanted to know the answer to life's most intriguing question as well so he made it his life's purpose to find the answer.  He studied every aspect of human life to find out that ALL was vanity and vexation of spirit.  In other words he discovered that it's all pointless...well, except for this ONE thing...

He says...

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God, and keep his commandments:
for THIS is the whole duty of man.
                                  Ecclesiastes 12:13

Because...as Solomon goes onto say...

For God shall bring EVERY work into judgment, 
with every secret thing,
whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
                                  Ecclesiastes 12:14

So there you have it, the answer to..."What is the purpose of life?"

Solomon discovered that there is only ONE thing in this life that is truly important and necessary and that is to Fear God and keep His commandments.  Nothing else matters.

It doesn't matter how much money you have, or don't have.  It doesn't matter if you're pretty, ugly, thin or fat.  It doesn't matter if you're healthy or have one foot in the grave.  It doesn't matter what type of job you have or whether you stay at home.  It doesn't matter what kind of car you drive or if you ride a bike.  It doesn't matter where you live or who you were born to.  The ONLY thing that really matters is YOUR relationship with the Almighty God.  It is the whole duty of man to make sure his relationship with The Almighty is a good one!

So I ask you this question today...How is YOUR relationship with the God who gave you life? Are you in good standing with him?  Answer wisely...you will be graded.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


As I sit at my desk today in the humble surroundings of my office...I should say my bosses office, a wonderful chorus has come to mind.  In the little bit of down time I've been given today, the Lord has put a song in my heart.  It goes like this...

When I think of the goodness of Jesus,
and all he has done for me,
my soul cries out Hallelujah, 
praise God for saving me.

Wonderful chorus, isn't it?

I must admit that some days I forget just how good Jesus has been because I am usually too busy wading through the muck and the mire of other people's lives to give my own life much thought.

You see, I have a day job as a legal secretary.  Though it's a good job and one I am thankful for as it helps to pay the bills, it is one where I see the effects of sin on humanity in a big way.  Every client has an issue, a hurt or a problem that stems from the life of sin in which they live and they come to us to fix it.  I am always eager to please and I wish I could fix them right up.  The sad news is that neither I nor my boss can fix their situation.  When given the chance I try to share my faith but sadly the world seeks an attorney rather than the ONE who can truly fix their lives.   His name is JESUS.

If you are reading this today, and you have an issue in your life that you just don't know how to handle; perhaps  you have criminal charges pending against you or maybe your marriage is on the rocks, don't call a lawyer.  I urge you to call on the only one who is able to fix it....JESUS.

Jesus is the savior.  He is the instructor of righteousness and when one chooses to follow after him, his teachings and his laws, he will give them abundant life.  A life free and cleansed of sin.  A life that is free of addiction, crime and broken relationships.

Oh, if the world only knew of the goodness of Jesus and all he has done, they too could cry out Hallelujah, praise God for saving me.

Thank you Jesus for your song in my heart, but mostly for fixing my life and for your saving grace.  Oh how I love you!