Have you noticed these days that you know WAY too much about people you haven't even really met. You know what they had for lunch or dinner, where the went out to eat at, what great deal they got at Hobby Lobby, what they wore to work today, where they are going on vacation, what they are doing over the weekend? Do we really need to know all that? This is all thanks to social media. I guess some see it as a nice thing, but truthfully, I have found that we are too wrapped up in everyone's business and I wonder what God thinks about that.
I'm reminded of a scripture passage where Jesus told Peter to feed his sheep. Three times he told Peter what his job was, and that was to feed His sheep. Peter looked up at Jesus and said, okay, but what is John going to do? Jesus said, you need to mind your own business. It's not for you to worry about what John is going to do with his life. Of course this is paraphrasing but you get the jest.
I do not have a Twitter account or a Snapchat account, but I do have a Facebook account and in the short year I have been on Facebook I have discovered that it is a place that I feel Jesus may not want me to be. I have discovered that Facebook is the workshop of Satan himself. It's the devils business to keep everyone wrapped up in everything except for what's important in life, and that's to feed His sheep. After all isn't that what every Christian was called to do?
I supposed when the internet came about and it was called the world wide web it was a prophetic utterance because that is exactly what the internet is and social media especially...a web, and oh what a tangled web we weave!
Now most of my friends on Facebook are other Apostolics and of course family members. I love seeing pictures and little life details of my brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews and others who live out of driving range from me. People who I don't get to see in person nearly enough. I love seeing posts with scriptures, inspiration and spiritual nuggets that God has shared with other saints. I also love that I have a business page for my brand, Apostolique Woman.
However, there are all the political and racial posts thrown in from places and people I never solicited, which have hindered me mentally, emotionally and spiritually at times. The bad thing is, there really is no way to keep all those posts from showing up on my wall or to filter out any of them, and once the eye sees them and once the mind absorbs them, they are never removed. I have ingested the negativity and the hatred of those who posted.
I have fond that people do not mind speaking their mind when and how they choose, without stopping to think what damage their statement or opinion or belief might cause another, or without knowing the true facts about the issue before judging the situation. Jesus calls us to use and exercise righteous judgment and to think before we speak. All this type of behavior is appalling and is most definitely the work of the devil.
The amount of flesh being seen daily on Facebook by all, even though it wasn't solicited is horrible. I don't want my husband seeing those things. I don't want to see those things, yet how can I keep his or my eyes from it. As soon as we pick up our phone and log into Facebook, boom there it is...all of it...for the whole entire world to see. It's bad enough we see more than we should when we go out in public, but must we see it all over Facebook too? Hello, another work of the devil!
There are WAY too many hateful and judgmental, condemning discussions, debates and arguments among people...even those of the Apostolic faith. It's truly disheartening. I joined a couple Apostolic only groups simply to fellowship and to reap knowledge and wisdom from those of like precious faith only to discover that just because you claim to be Apostolic in faith does not mean that you live Apostolic in behavior. This is not meant to be mean or judgmental in either way. It is just a perception based on what I have personally seen and experienced. I will point out that while there are those who choose not to live like an Apostolic posting things on those sites, there are plenty who are true to the Apostolic faith on there as well. Nevertheless, a few weeks ago I made the decision to unfollow all of those sites because the heated arguments and debates over who is right about this and wrong about that, and does the bible really say that, was more than my spirit could withstand. Most days they hindered me mentally and spiritually instead of encouraging as I had hoped so I found it best to be free of them. So sad for things to be that way.
Then as mentioned above, there is the problem where everyone knows everyone else's everything. We are too wrapped up in peoples business. God meant for us to have privacy in our lives. My home, my marriage, my children, my finances and what I eat are not everyone else's business; and your home, your marriage, your children, your finances and what you eat are not my business. Yet we all feel the need to share it all. After all sharing is good, right? Not! It is another trick of the devil to keep people so intertwined that they feel they have the right to an opinion and say into what your life consists of. Satan knows that the bible tells us to mind our own business but he's working doubly hard to keep our focus on what everyone else is doing and off of what God is doing.
Perhaps none of this is your perception of Facebook and I am not suggesting that you are participating in anything wrong. I am merely suggesting that Facebook is a very dangerous place, a web. Be careful in there. Unfollow people or groups if need be. If anyone or anything is discouraging you or hindering you in your mind or spirit, do not be afraid get rid of them.
In recent months I unfollowed several on my friends list for one thing or another. They were either argumentative, had a pity me all the time type attitude, or the only thing they posted was pictures of themselves to their status, ever on the ego trip. Those types of attitudes are works of the devil and are disruptive and distractive to our spiritual man.
The devil is on Facebook working constantly to keep people in heated arguments, to keep people wrapped up in other peoples lives and business, places people do not need to be. He is using Facebook to feed our minds and our lives with hatred, racism, vulgarity, self-righteousness, filth and nosiness at all times, but...
Jesus said for us to feed His sheep and mind our own business!
Be safe out there guys!