Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Needing an idea for your next ladies meeting?  How about getting everyone together for a day of pampering and relaxation.

We all need a day to relax and pamper ourselves from time to time and we all love getting together with our friends and other ladies for a little fellowship from time to time too.  Why not put those two things together and have a ladies spa day.  Besides, moisturizing all your winter weather skin away is a must this time of year...or any time for that matter!

You can make this a ladies day out and reserve a local spa for the number of ladies in your party to enjoy facials, manicures, pedicures, hot oil treatments and massages.  Of course each lady would pay their own way.  When it's all done, stop and enjoy a lite lunch at one of your favorite restaurants.


If money is short...have a home spa day...which can be done at the church, at your home or another ladies home, wherever you like, so long as there is someplace to shower or wash hair...should you choose to do hot oil treatments.  (It is possible to turn your kitchen sink into an inexpensive hair washing station by attaching a rubber shower hose to the faucet.)

All you need to do is...

1.  Set a place, date and time for your spa day.
2.  Send out invitations.
3.  Gather your supplies, enough for each lady;
  • Facial masks/peels
  • Face wash
  • Exfoliating cream 
  • Nourishing lip balm
  • Emory boards/fingernail buffers, etc.
  • Cuticle cream or oils for massaging nail beds
  • Plastic water basins
  • Pumice stones
  • Hot oil treatments 
  • Shower caps
  • Towels (If towels are in short supply, ask each lady to bring their own.
To save money, you can make many of your own all natural cleansers and such with ingredients right from your pantry...I have added a few recipes below to get you started.

4.  Provide lite snacks or have each lady bring a lite snack or finger food to share.

(Snack ideas could include low fat finger sandwiches, fruit tray, veggie tray, low fat yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, etc.)

It's up to you if you want to help the ladies with their manicures, pedicures and hot oil treatments, etc., you can pair them up, or each lady can do their own.  Whatever works best in your situation.

Below are some spa recipes with all natural ingredients to try instead of buying everything premade.

1 cup coconut oil.
1 tbsp baking soda
5 drops lavender essential oil
5 drops frankincense essential oil
5 drops lemon essential oil

(if acne prone, replace frankincense and lemon oils with 10 drops of tea tree essential oil)

(Mix all ingredients together, splash face with warm water and apply to face in a circular motion and avoiding eye area.  Rinse well with warm water.)

1/4 cup plain yogurt
1/2 medium banana mashed
2 T. ground raw oatmeal
2 T. Pure real honey

(Mix all ingredients together and apply to face in a circular motion allowing the oatmeal to exfoliate, leave on face for 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water).

1 Egg white
1 T. plain yogurt

(Mix together and apply to face.  Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse well with warm water)

1/2 cup packed Brown sugar
1/2 cup Organic, cold-processed coconut oil or olive oil
1/2 tsp. Vitamin E Oil
1 tsp. Pure Vanilla extract

(You can add a few drops of essential oils if you wish...Ginger essential oil is a good one with this.)

(Mix all ingredients together and apply to hands or feet in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes then rinse in warm water.)

3 T. Castor Oil (use Organic cold-pressed and Hexane free if possible)
1 T. Argan Oil or Hemp Seed Oil

(Mix together, warm slightly in a cup of steamy warm water for 5 minutes then apply to damp hair.  Apply to the scalp and massage in pulling it through to the tips of your hair.  Cover with a towel or shower cap and leave in for at least 2 hours then shampoo hair as usual.  For a better result, this can be left in overnight and washed out in the morning.)

Castor Oil is good for someone with thin hair wanting it a little thicker.  If you already have very thick hair you might want to use a good quality olive oil instead of Castor oil.

1/2 cup Epsom salt
1/4 cup Listerine mouth wash
1/4 cup vinegar
2 T. Hydrogen Peroxide
1 gallon water

(Mix together in a plastic foot tub and soak feet for 10-20 minutes.  Towel dry then use a pumice stone to remove dead skin on bottom of feet.)...then apply sugar scrub and rinse in warm water.

Go HERE for more foot soak recipes.

For more easy all natural beauty recipes go HERE.  You can also do your own internet search.  The possibilities are endless.

HINT:  You may want to start with the hot oil treatments first because of the time involved.  Enjoy your snacks and your other beauty treatments while you are waiting for the oils to soak in.

If you would like to send the ladies away with a little party favor or reminder of their day, you can:

Provide each lady with a small makeup pouch so they can take their Emory board, Pumice stone and lip balm home with them; or,

Send each lady home with a small travel size bottle or container of homemade face wash, hot oil treatment or Brown sugar scrub to enjoy at a later time.  Make sure it is something that will not spoil quickly.  Or for a special treat (this one is a little expensive and you would have to order early), you could send each lady home with a sample size bottle of Uncut Hair Shampoo, conditioner or detangler.

Of course, that's all up to you.  The main thing is to relax and have fun getting together.  

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