I have to say this "out loud" because I feel someone has been lied to, and not that the person deceived is going to be reading this but, it could perhaps help someone else who has been told the same lie.
I was recently listening to a portion of a bible study that a man had with a new convert and, in this bible study, he told the man that too many people blame the devil for causing all the sin in their lives. He went on to say that the devil has NO power to do that; and that, man is his own worst enemy. Part of that is true. Man is his own worst enemy; BUT, man is not our only enemy. The devil IS also our enemy!!! Yes, we often times give "the devil" too much credit for things and too much power in our lives but we are in a dangerous place when began to believe that we cannot be effected and manipulated by him.
After all we are in spiritual warfare here and our flesh is not our only enemy....the devil is our enemy too!!!!
The teacher said, that the devil is not omnipresent, that he cannot be present everywhere at the same time, which is true, but he went on to say that it is not possible for the devil to be messing with everybody at the same time simply because he can't be everywhere at once that in essence he could only mess with one person at a time. That is not completely true. First off, the devil does not need to mess with EVERYBODY at the same time. He only messes with those who believe the truth and who are trying to live for God. Also, it wasn't just Lucifer that fell from heaven. He took a third of the angels with him (however many that is) and they all have eyes to see and watch you...and they all roam the whole earth to and fro seeking whom they may devour. They are spirits, Lucifer is just one of them. Remember they are the spirits and power of the air and they can be in places that we don't even realize. They learn our weaknesses by watching our behavior, mannerisms, likes and dislikes and they will put anything and everything they can in our way to cause us to stumble and fall out of God's favor and good graces. What's more, they will also use the people of the world as workers in their army, so if you are in church and especially if you are a new convert in this one God, Apostolic faith, the devil IS your predator and he WILL do anything and use anyone he can to destroy you. Do not let anyone tell you differently!!!! You must BE ON GUARD!!! He and his imps are doing everything they can to keep the children of God from living right because they don't want us making it to heaven. They don't want us to receive mercy and grace because they can't have those things. They use lusts of the eye, lusts of the flesh and the pride of life, all that is in the world, against us to mess us up and to cause us to displease, disobey and disappoint the almighty God just the same as they did and they are ruthless about it!
It is a dangerous thing to believe the devil is completely powerless. No he does not have all power and he does not have the power to actually "make" or force us to sin, but he is allowed to tempt us with sinful things over and over again, often time resulting in sin...which separates you from God. He is ever working over time to steal, kill and destroy anyone and everyone he can. Even more so now because he knows his time to work here on earth is getting shorter and shorter. It is a grave mistake to underestimate or discount him. We should not be ignorant of his devices!!!! If the devil was completely powerless and had no purpose the bible would have no need to discuss his existence and it would for sure not have the need to tell us to put on the whole armor of God so that we were able to stand against the wiles of the devil. He is making war with the saints daily!! He is sly and manipulative and is the father of all lies!!! He will sell you a bill of goods and make promises to you that he cannot and will not make good on. One more thing, he's not stupid, he's had a lot of years experience on the job to deceive and he's good at what he does...remember Adam and Eve?
Anyway the reason for my post today is to tell you not to underestimate the devil in his schemes and ploys against you. He is very real and is very good at what he does. Do not let him fool you into discrediting him and discounting the power he does have. He works through our flesh because our humanity is the weakest part of who we are. Therefore, I exhort you to beware of Lucifer and his imps and all they are trying to do to deceive and destroy you. We are spiritually at war, the devil is not a nice guy and it makes him so much more powerful when we are told and believe that he is not our problem!!!
Stay safe out there. Pray, put on the whole armor of God and resist the devil at all costs as he is out to steal, kill and destroy!
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