I have to say this "out loud" because I feel someone has been lied to, and not that the person deceived is going to be reading this but, it could perhaps help someone else who has been told the same lie.
I was recently listening to a portion of a bible study that a man had with a new convert and, in this bible study, he told the man that too many people blame the devil for causing all the sin in their lives. He went on to say that the devil has NO power to do that; and that, man is his own worst enemy. Part of that is true. Man is his own worst enemy; BUT, man is not our only enemy. The devil IS also our enemy!!! Yes, we often times give "the devil" too much credit for things and too much power in our lives but we are in a dangerous place when began to believe that we cannot be effected and manipulated by him.
After all we are in spiritual warfare here and our flesh is not our only enemy....the devil is our enemy too!!!!
The teacher said, that the devil is not omnipresent, that he cannot be present everywhere at the same time, which is true, but he went on to say that it is not possible for the devil to be messing with everybody at the same time simply because he can't be everywhere at once that in essence he could only mess with one person at a time. That is not completely true. First off, the devil does not need to mess with EVERYBODY at the same time. He only messes with those who believe the truth and who are trying to live for God. Also, it wasn't just Lucifer that fell from heaven. He took a third of the angels with him (however many that is) and they all have eyes to see and watch you...and they all roam the whole earth to and fro seeking whom they may devour. They are spirits, Lucifer is just one of them. Remember they are the spirits and power of the air and they can be in places that we don't even realize. They learn our weaknesses by watching our behavior, mannerisms, likes and dislikes and they will put anything and everything they can in our way to cause us to stumble and fall out of God's favor and good graces. What's more, they will also use the people of the world as workers in their army, so if you are in church and especially if you are a new convert in this one God, Apostolic faith, the devil IS your predator and he WILL do anything and use anyone he can to destroy you. Do not let anyone tell you differently!!!! You must BE ON GUARD!!! He and his imps are doing everything they can to keep the children of God from living right because they don't want us making it to heaven. They don't want us to receive mercy and grace because they can't have those things. They use lusts of the eye, lusts of the flesh and the pride of life, all that is in the world, against us to mess us up and to cause us to displease, disobey and disappoint the almighty God just the same as they did and they are ruthless about it!
It is a dangerous thing to believe the devil is completely powerless. No he does not have all power and he does not have the power to actually "make" or force us to sin, but he is allowed to tempt us with sinful things over and over again, often time resulting in sin...which separates you from God. He is ever working over time to steal, kill and destroy anyone and everyone he can. Even more so now because he knows his time to work here on earth is getting shorter and shorter. It is a grave mistake to underestimate or discount him. We should not be ignorant of his devices!!!! If the devil was completely powerless and had no purpose the bible would have no need to discuss his existence and it would for sure not have the need to tell us to put on the whole armor of God so that we were able to stand against the wiles of the devil. He is making war with the saints daily!! He is sly and manipulative and is the father of all lies!!! He will sell you a bill of goods and make promises to you that he cannot and will not make good on. One more thing, he's not stupid, he's had a lot of years experience on the job to deceive and he's good at what he does...remember Adam and Eve?
Anyway the reason for my post today is to tell you not to underestimate the devil in his schemes and ploys against you. He is very real and is very good at what he does. Do not let him fool you into discrediting him and discounting the power he does have. He works through our flesh because our humanity is the weakest part of who we are. Therefore, I exhort you to beware of Lucifer and his imps and all they are trying to do to deceive and destroy you. We are spiritually at war, the devil is not a nice guy and it makes him so much more powerful when we are told and believe that he is not our problem!!!
Stay safe out there. Pray, put on the whole armor of God and resist the devil at all costs as he is out to steal, kill and destroy!
Monday, February 26, 2018
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Needing an idea for your next ladies meeting? How about getting everyone together for a day of pampering and relaxation.
We all need a day to relax and pamper ourselves from time to time and we all love getting together with our friends and other ladies for a little fellowship from time to time too. Why not put those two things together and have a ladies spa day. Besides, moisturizing all your winter weather skin away is a must this time of year...or any time for that matter!
You can make this a ladies day out and reserve a local spa for the number of ladies in your party to enjoy facials, manicures, pedicures, hot oil treatments and massages. Of course each lady would pay their own way. When it's all done, stop and enjoy a lite lunch at one of your favorite restaurants.
If money is short...have a home spa day...which can be done at the church, at your home or another ladies home, wherever you like, so long as there is someplace to shower or wash hair...should you choose to do hot oil treatments. (It is possible to turn your kitchen sink into an inexpensive hair washing station by attaching a rubber shower hose to the faucet.)
All you need to do is...
1. Set a place, date and time for your spa day.
2. Send out invitations.
3. Gather your supplies, enough for each lady;
We all need a day to relax and pamper ourselves from time to time and we all love getting together with our friends and other ladies for a little fellowship from time to time too. Why not put those two things together and have a ladies spa day. Besides, moisturizing all your winter weather skin away is a must this time of year...or any time for that matter!
You can make this a ladies day out and reserve a local spa for the number of ladies in your party to enjoy facials, manicures, pedicures, hot oil treatments and massages. Of course each lady would pay their own way. When it's all done, stop and enjoy a lite lunch at one of your favorite restaurants.
If money is short...have a home spa day...which can be done at the church, at your home or another ladies home, wherever you like, so long as there is someplace to shower or wash hair...should you choose to do hot oil treatments. (It is possible to turn your kitchen sink into an inexpensive hair washing station by attaching a rubber shower hose to the faucet.)
All you need to do is...
1. Set a place, date and time for your spa day.
2. Send out invitations.
3. Gather your supplies, enough for each lady;
- Facial masks/peels
- Face wash
- Exfoliating cream
- Nourishing lip balm
- Emory boards/fingernail buffers, etc.
- Cuticle cream or oils for massaging nail beds
- Plastic water basins
- Pumice stones
- Hot oil treatments
- Shower caps
- Towels (If towels are in short supply, ask each lady to bring their own.
To save money, you can make many of your own all natural cleansers and such with ingredients right from your pantry...I have added a few recipes below to get you started.
4. Provide lite snacks or have each lady bring a lite snack or finger food to share.
(Snack ideas could include low fat finger sandwiches, fruit tray, veggie tray, low fat yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, etc.)
(Snack ideas could include low fat finger sandwiches, fruit tray, veggie tray, low fat yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, etc.)
It's up to you if you want to help the ladies with their manicures, pedicures and hot oil treatments, etc., you can pair them up, or each lady can do their own. Whatever works best in your situation.
Below are some spa recipes with all natural ingredients to try instead of buying everything premade.
1 cup coconut oil.
1 tbsp baking soda
5 drops lavender essential oil
5 drops frankincense essential oil
5 drops lemon essential oil
(if acne prone, replace frankincense and lemon oils with 10 drops of tea tree essential oil)
(Mix all ingredients together, splash face with warm water and apply to face in a circular motion and avoiding eye area. Rinse well with warm water.)
1/4 cup plain yogurt
1/2 medium banana mashed
2 T. ground raw oatmeal
2 T. Pure real honey
(Mix all ingredients together and apply to face in a circular motion allowing the oatmeal to exfoliate, leave on face for 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water).
1 Egg white
1 T. plain yogurt
(Mix together and apply to face. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse well with warm water)
1/2 cup packed Brown sugar
1/2 cup Organic, cold-processed coconut oil or olive oil
1/2 tsp. Vitamin E Oil
1 tsp. Pure Vanilla extract
(You can add a few drops of essential oils if you wish...Ginger essential oil is a good one with this.)
(Mix all ingredients together and apply to hands or feet in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes then rinse in warm water.)
3 T. Castor Oil (use Organic cold-pressed and Hexane free if possible)
1 T. Argan Oil or Hemp Seed Oil
(Mix together, warm slightly in a cup of steamy warm water for 5 minutes then apply to damp hair. Apply to the scalp and massage in pulling it through to the tips of your hair. Cover with a towel or shower cap and leave in for at least 2 hours then shampoo hair as usual. For a better result, this can be left in overnight and washed out in the morning.)
Castor Oil is good for someone with thin hair wanting it a little thicker. If you already have very thick hair you might want to use a good quality olive oil instead of Castor oil.
1/2 cup Epsom salt
1/4 cup Listerine mouth wash
1/4 cup vinegar
2 T. Hydrogen Peroxide
1 gallon water
(Mix together in a plastic foot tub and soak feet for 10-20 minutes. Towel dry then use a pumice stone to remove dead skin on bottom of feet.)...then apply sugar scrub and rinse in warm water.
Go HERE for more foot soak recipes.
For more easy all natural beauty recipes go HERE. You can also do your own internet search. The possibilities are endless.
Castor Oil is good for someone with thin hair wanting it a little thicker. If you already have very thick hair you might want to use a good quality olive oil instead of Castor oil.
1/2 cup Epsom salt
1/4 cup Listerine mouth wash
1/4 cup vinegar
2 T. Hydrogen Peroxide
1 gallon water
(Mix together in a plastic foot tub and soak feet for 10-20 minutes. Towel dry then use a pumice stone to remove dead skin on bottom of feet.)...then apply sugar scrub and rinse in warm water.
Go HERE for more foot soak recipes.
For more easy all natural beauty recipes go HERE. You can also do your own internet search. The possibilities are endless.
HINT: You may want to start with the hot oil treatments first because of the time involved. Enjoy your snacks and your other beauty treatments while you are waiting for the oils to soak in.
If you would like to send the ladies away with a little party favor or reminder of their day, you can:
Provide each lady with a small makeup pouch so they can take their Emory board, Pumice stone and lip balm home with them; or,
Send each lady home with a small travel size bottle or container of homemade face wash, hot oil treatment or Brown sugar scrub to enjoy at a later time. Make sure it is something that will not spoil quickly. Or for a special treat (this one is a little expensive and you would have to order early), you could send each lady home with a sample size bottle of Uncut Hair Shampoo, conditioner or detangler.
Of course, that's all up to you. The main thing is to relax and have fun getting together.
Just wanted to share with you today a few encouraging scriptures...
Ponder these things and have a wonderful Jesus filled day!
My brethren, COUNT IT ALL JOY when ye fall into divers temptations;
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
But let patience have her perfect work; that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
James 1:2-4
Ponder these things and have a wonderful Jesus filled day!
Friday, February 16, 2018
It's the middle of February yet the temperature in the car read 80 degrees this afternoon. Unusually warm this time of year in Missouri. I would venture to say there's a good chance this could be a record breaker.
It was so nice out that I decided I would take the opportunity to squeeze in a little walk on my lunch break away from the office. The wind was so ferocious though that by time I got to the end of the sidewalk I could feel the burn in my calves from walking against the wind. Needless to say, I quickly changed my mind and canceled my walk. Too windy! On second thought, Maybe I should've taken advantage of the weather to get in better physical shape. After all walking against the wind is great resistance training!
Ugh, Resistance training... Now that's something I really never got into!!!! I mean the mere thought of strenuous exercise just makes this short, pudgy self of mine cringe.
Wow, those are hard questions to swallow aren't they?
Now we know that everybody needs a bit of physical exercise in order to feel good, to stay healthy and perform well the tasks that life throws at us. In I Timothy 4:8, it stands to reason that bodily exercise "profiteth" us, even if it is only a little BUT....
I'm not gonna lie, unforgiveness and bitterness are really big weights that are super hard to eliminate but with some serious prayer and fasting you can and will get rid of that emotional baggage!!
and finally....
THE WEIGHTS OF SIN...These are the major strongholds in our lives and cause the most damage....DEATH!!!
Sin comes into play when we act upon our temptations.
There are temptations everywhere and they come in every way, shape, form and size, lurking around every corner...from food/beverages, to drugs, alcohol, porn, provocativeness, foul language, foul thoughts...etc. Sin is anything that we indulge in that is not of God, that is not godly and holy or that is in contradiction or rebellion to God's laws and statutes for his people. There are MANY sins but they come in just 3 forms...
The main problem with sin is it's kind of like potato chips, you can't eat just one...or partake just one time. It's like the sweets, candies and junk foods in our diet. They grab a hold of you and you just can't stop until you are addicted and you've ate the chips, the cookies and the ice cream...all in one sitting. However, freedom from the weight caused by sin is possible through Jesus Christ's detox program of REPENTANCE and REMISSION OF SINS through baptism in his name.
So, being baptized in Jesus name is pretty self explanatory but what exactly is repentance? Many people believe it is just saying sorry for the bad they have done, but true repentance is somewhat like this...
I used to have a habit of every morning going through the drive thru at McDonalds and grabbing a fat laden breakfast burrito and eye opening caffeine ridden soda on the way to work. Then I would make a pit stop at the gas station during my lunch break to grab a lemonade...and would always manage to grab a small bag of chips, candy bar or some little "treat" to go with the otherwise "healthy" lunch I had already packed for myself. I did this everyday for quite a long time and my health...and weight...was really starting to be effected in a very bad way. This stuff was killing me....literally!!!
I knew I had to make a change!!!!!
I had to consciously STOP going to McDonalds (or any other fast food restaurant)...period. No drive thru in the mornings, no drive thru on the weekends, not even to get something as harmless as their low fat, low calorie yogurt parfait.
I also had to make a conscious decision to stop frequenting the gas station...so much so that I don't even stop to put gas in the car unless I pay at the pump because the temptation is just to dangerous for me.
I know that sounds silly, but that's how repentance works too. It's not just saying your sorry, and then having another cookie, but it's saying NO to and AVOIDING completely the things that trip you up. It's hard, the hardest in fact! You may have to stop hanging around certain people, going to certain places or any number of things that have a negative, ungodly influence on you in order to purge yourself from and dodge the lusts and temptations of sin.
Now the good news about my efforts to JUST SAY NO to McDonalds and the gas station is my health is improving and I have lost 30 pounds! Yay me!, and the good news about true Repentance by STOPPING what you are doing and saying NO to sin, is you will lose much spiritual pounds and your spiritual health will improve greatly!!!
Okay, now that we have lost all that spiritual weight it's time to get down to some serious muscle building exercises. After all nobody wants to be a weak Christian! That's where RESISTANCE TRAINING comes into play...
So what is resistance training?
Well, according to the internet (Better Health Channel), because I know nothing about physical resistance training, lol, you build muscle by WORKING AGAINST weight or force. There are different forms of resistance training which include using free weights, weight machines, resistance bands and your own body weight. Also, a beginner needs to train two or three times per week to gain the maximum benefit.
But what is spiritual resistance training? Well, it's pretty much the same thing, only we are not working against a natural force like wind or our own weight but against a supernatural one.
Ahh, it sounds like we will be working against the forces of the Devil!
So how exactly does one "resist" the Devil? That same verse above (if we look at it in it's entirety) gives us the formula.
Yes, we must first submit...commit...our lives and everything we do to the will and the word of God, to his ideas, instructions, guidelines and plans for us. Submission to God IS resistance training! Our flesh (our mind, our body, our spirit) HATES submission because it's work!!! It's no fun and everything about it goes against the grain of our human nature.
Nevertheless, we must submit ourselves to God in order to build up those spiritual muscles to combat the wiles of the Devil but, HOW? What do we do? What equipment do we use?
Prayer, fasting and bible study are the resistance bands that help us resist (or push away) the lusts of the flesh and pull us closer to God, and it is a must that we work out with them on a regular...daily...basis!!!
Pushing away the plate, kneeling in prayer and studying the word takes time, takes discipline and takes dedication...what's more, nobody likes it. NOBODY! It's NOT easy; but, it is essential to building those spiritual muscles we all need to combat the tactics of the Devil and to keep us in good spiritual shape.
To be truthful I find it hard to believe that body builders LOVE working out. It's the results they see from regular workouts that fuel their desire to keep going back for more. Similarly, some good RESISTANCE TRAINING of regular prayer, fasting and bible study will give your spiritual man the results to be the strong, healthy Christian you are looking to be!
It was so nice out that I decided I would take the opportunity to squeeze in a little walk on my lunch break away from the office. The wind was so ferocious though that by time I got to the end of the sidewalk I could feel the burn in my calves from walking against the wind. Needless to say, I quickly changed my mind and canceled my walk. Too windy! On second thought, Maybe I should've taken advantage of the weather to get in better physical shape. After all walking against the wind is great resistance training!
Ugh, Resistance training... Now that's something I really never got into!!!! I mean the mere thought of strenuous exercise just makes this short, pudgy self of mine cringe.
However, I began to think of my spiritual man. What kind of shape is he in? Is he as weighed down, pudgy, fatigued, slow and lazy as my physical one? Am I as lacking in my spiritual exercise regimen as I am in my physical one? Do I even exercise at all?
Wow, those are hard questions to swallow aren't they?
For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.
I Tim. 4:8
Now we know that everybody needs a bit of physical exercise in order to feel good, to stay healthy and perform well the tasks that life throws at us. In I Timothy 4:8, it stands to reason that bodily exercise "profiteth" us, even if it is only a little BUT....
However, it sounds like our spiritual (godly) physique IS quite a bit MORE IMPORTANT than our natural body; but, how does one exercise their spiritual man and get into shape?
Well, just like in the physical!....Start with TAKING OFF A LITTLE WEIGHT...
...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us...
Heb. 12:1(b)
...you know, all that STUFF that is holding us back and keeping us down. Strongholds in our lives.
They include...
They include...
PHYSICAL WEIGHTS...inanimate objects such as TV shows, types of books/literature you read or music you like to listen to, Social media, etc. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but anything that is a major time stealer and anything that provokes negativity, anger, hatred, immoral thoughts, greed or jealously weighs our spirit down more and more with every bite of them we take.
Think of those things as spiritual carbs and cut back, WAY BACK, on your consumption of them.
MENTAL OR EMOTIONAL WEIGHTS...Things such as unforgiveness, bitterness, dwelling on past hurts, worry, fear and doubt, to name a few. Only you know what your life is full of, but each of us needs to unload this stuff. These are high blood pressure causing, invisible and often unnoticeable, poisonous fats that attach themselves to, attack and destroy every organ in our spiritual body. These are not easy to get rid of, but through MUCH prayer and fasting it is possible to flush them out of our system.
And Jesus said unto them...If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you...
HOWBEIT, this kind goeth not out but by PRAYER and FASTING.
Matt. 17:20-21
I'm not gonna lie, unforgiveness and bitterness are really big weights that are super hard to eliminate but with some serious prayer and fasting you can and will get rid of that emotional baggage!!
and finally....
THE WEIGHTS OF SIN...These are the major strongholds in our lives and cause the most damage....DEATH!!!
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 6:23
Sin comes into play when we act upon our temptations.
But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
James 1:14-15
There are temptations everywhere and they come in every way, shape, form and size, lurking around every corner...from food/beverages, to drugs, alcohol, porn, provocativeness, foul language, foul thoughts...etc. Sin is anything that we indulge in that is not of God, that is not godly and holy or that is in contradiction or rebellion to God's laws and statutes for his people. There are MANY sins but they come in just 3 forms...
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is NOT of the Father, but is of the world, and the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
I John 2:16-17
The main problem with sin is it's kind of like potato chips, you can't eat just one...or partake just one time. It's like the sweets, candies and junk foods in our diet. They grab a hold of you and you just can't stop until you are addicted and you've ate the chips, the cookies and the ice cream...all in one sitting. However, freedom from the weight caused by sin is possible through Jesus Christ's detox program of REPENTANCE and REMISSION OF SINS through baptism in his name.
Then Peter said unto them, REPENT, and be BAPTIZED every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Acts 2:38
So, being baptized in Jesus name is pretty self explanatory but what exactly is repentance? Many people believe it is just saying sorry for the bad they have done, but true repentance is somewhat like this...
I used to have a habit of every morning going through the drive thru at McDonalds and grabbing a fat laden breakfast burrito and eye opening caffeine ridden soda on the way to work. Then I would make a pit stop at the gas station during my lunch break to grab a lemonade...and would always manage to grab a small bag of chips, candy bar or some little "treat" to go with the otherwise "healthy" lunch I had already packed for myself. I did this everyday for quite a long time and my health...and weight...was really starting to be effected in a very bad way. This stuff was killing me....literally!!!
I knew I had to make a change!!!!!
I had to consciously STOP going to McDonalds (or any other fast food restaurant)...period. No drive thru in the mornings, no drive thru on the weekends, not even to get something as harmless as their low fat, low calorie yogurt parfait.
I also had to make a conscious decision to stop frequenting the gas station...so much so that I don't even stop to put gas in the car unless I pay at the pump because the temptation is just to dangerous for me.
I know that sounds silly, but that's how repentance works too. It's not just saying your sorry, and then having another cookie, but it's saying NO to and AVOIDING completely the things that trip you up. It's hard, the hardest in fact! You may have to stop hanging around certain people, going to certain places or any number of things that have a negative, ungodly influence on you in order to purge yourself from and dodge the lusts and temptations of sin.
Now the good news about my efforts to JUST SAY NO to McDonalds and the gas station is my health is improving and I have lost 30 pounds! Yay me!, and the good news about true Repentance by STOPPING what you are doing and saying NO to sin, is you will lose much spiritual pounds and your spiritual health will improve greatly!!!
Okay, now that we have lost all that spiritual weight it's time to get down to some serious muscle building exercises. After all nobody wants to be a weak Christian! That's where RESISTANCE TRAINING comes into play...
So what is resistance training?
Well, according to the internet (Better Health Channel), because I know nothing about physical resistance training, lol, you build muscle by WORKING AGAINST weight or force. There are different forms of resistance training which include using free weights, weight machines, resistance bands and your own body weight. Also, a beginner needs to train two or three times per week to gain the maximum benefit.
But what is spiritual resistance training? Well, it's pretty much the same thing, only we are not working against a natural force like wind or our own weight but against a supernatural one.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood (other people/humanity), but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Eph. 6:12
Ahh, it sounds like we will be working against the forces of the Devil!
...Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you.
James 4:7(b)
So how exactly does one "resist" the Devil? That same verse above (if we look at it in it's entirety) gives us the formula.
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the Devil
and he will flee from you.
James 4:7
Yes, we must first submit...commit...our lives and everything we do to the will and the word of God, to his ideas, instructions, guidelines and plans for us. Submission to God IS resistance training! Our flesh (our mind, our body, our spirit) HATES submission because it's work!!! It's no fun and everything about it goes against the grain of our human nature.
Nevertheless, we must submit ourselves to God in order to build up those spiritual muscles to combat the wiles of the Devil but, HOW? What do we do? What equipment do we use?
Prayer, fasting and bible study are the resistance bands that help us resist (or push away) the lusts of the flesh and pull us closer to God, and it is a must that we work out with them on a regular...daily...basis!!!
Pushing away the plate, kneeling in prayer and studying the word takes time, takes discipline and takes dedication...what's more, nobody likes it. NOBODY! It's NOT easy; but, it is essential to building those spiritual muscles we all need to combat the tactics of the Devil and to keep us in good spiritual shape.
To be truthful I find it hard to believe that body builders LOVE working out. It's the results they see from regular workouts that fuel their desire to keep going back for more. Similarly, some good RESISTANCE TRAINING of regular prayer, fasting and bible study will give your spiritual man the results to be the strong, healthy Christian you are looking to be!
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
I love traveling and I certainly love nature. God sure has given we dwellers of earth some wonderful sights for our eyes to behold. The Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls and many others. Thank goodness; though, that over the years the Parks Department and other agencies have set up some nice pathways, fences, railings and gates to keep all the visitors safe, right? I mean could you imagine glaring out over the edge of the Grand Canyon and looking several thousand feet straight down without a solid place to stand or railing to keep you from falling over the edge? I'm afraid with my fear of heights and fear of falling, I just couldn't chance it; but, with all the nice boundaries built up, I feel it's a place I could enjoy visiting. Perhaps on my next vacation...or, when the good Lord decides to bless me with plenty of money to travel to destinations so far from Missouri. Haha.
For the past several years, well every since we moved into our home, we've had an issue with the neighbors in the rental house next door. Our first neighbor there killed our resident squirrel with a poisonous blow dart and practiced urinating out his back door in broad daylight. The next group to move in broke into our cars in the middle of the night, stole my husband's laptop and set off a fire extinguisher in my daughter's car. The ones after that were a family with loving yet mischievous children who were daily coming into the yard and tearing things up when we were not home. We would come home to the gravel from the driveway being scattered all through the yard and holes in my fish pond, so many that it would no longer hold water and we had to buy a new one. They wrote on and threw knives at our son's tree house that his grandpa had built for him until they eventually destroyed it, along with many other things. We had plenty of talks with the parents but it wasn't until we put up a privacy fence along the property line this past year that all the shenanigans stopped. I kind of hate that we rarely see those kids anymore but there had to be a physical boundary set before something else was destroyed.
And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
I know you recognize this passage of scripture from the story of the Tower of Babel and while I'm sure this all seems unrelated, bear with me, I am going somewhere with this...
Can I tell you there was a time that I wondered...even questioned...why God did not want the people of that time building a tower to heaven. I mean what's wrong with that, right? I wondered why God did not want mankind to be of one language, a people who communicated well enough to make anything possible to them. After all, I thought God loved us and wanted us in heaven. I thought he wanted us to communicate and get along with each other. So, why did he stop them from reaching heaven? Why did God confuse their language?
Then I realized a truth, not the only truth behind this passage of scripture mind you, but a truth that gave me a greater understanding of both man and God.
You see, men do not like boundaries. Never have and never will. We don't like rules. We don't like laws. We don't like authority. That's just the way we are.
I mean stop and think about it, God gave Adam and Eve just ONE rule. "you can eat of every tree in garden EXCEPT for that one..." and they broke it! They just couldn't stand to have something forbidden from them. They had to have it! Yet, the almighty God in his infinite wisdom set boundaries. Boundaries for Adam and Eve, boundaries for the people at the Tower of Babel. All kinds of boundaries that no man should cross. Why? Because, in the words of my mother and probably yours, "it's for your own good". God's boundaries are for man's protection. They are safety nets if you will, against danger. They are walls to keep evil out and good in. Just like the railings at the Grand Canyon or the privacy fence on my property line. Had Adam and Eve not crossed the boundary of that tree that day, the whole world would be a MUCH different place!!!!
Yet still in this day and age, though the bible has given us example after example of boundaries and the dangers of crossing them; remember Korah?, we live in a world whose mindset is "NO BOUNDARIES", "NO WORRIES", "NO FEAR", "EVERYTHING GOES", "JUST DO IT".
Recognize any of those slogans? Of course you do!!!!
We live in a world where people have set no limitations on themselves in any area of their lives. There is no restraint, no discretion, no self-discipline, no restrictions, no decency, no shame, no morals, NO BOUNDARIES. We live in a world where we are trying to get to heaven WITHOUT God....hmmm, think Tower of Babel!
A world where people (even self-proclaimed Christians) believe you can do what you want, live how you want, act how you want, dress how you want, speak how you want, have whatever sexual orientation you want....SIN as much as you want...and still go to GOD'S heaven. i.e. Ever been to a funeral where anyone didn't go to heaven, no matter how horrible a person they were?
They are Tower of Babel minded...saying, we will make a name for ourselves and build our way to heaven without God being involved or getting in the way. Saying, we do not need Him!
We have become like unguarded, un-fenced cities, lying prey to whatever enemy desires to come in and destroy.
As people in general and especially as "Christians" we must have God's boundaries established in our lives. After all they really are for our own good.
God, through His word, has set holy standards, boundaries...landmarks...for our safety and protection against the enemy. To keep us on a good and safe path. To give us guidance on getting into heaven through the "Door" instead of trying to get in some other way like the people at Babel.
For the past several years, well every since we moved into our home, we've had an issue with the neighbors in the rental house next door. Our first neighbor there killed our resident squirrel with a poisonous blow dart and practiced urinating out his back door in broad daylight. The next group to move in broke into our cars in the middle of the night, stole my husband's laptop and set off a fire extinguisher in my daughter's car. The ones after that were a family with loving yet mischievous children who were daily coming into the yard and tearing things up when we were not home. We would come home to the gravel from the driveway being scattered all through the yard and holes in my fish pond, so many that it would no longer hold water and we had to buy a new one. They wrote on and threw knives at our son's tree house that his grandpa had built for him until they eventually destroyed it, along with many other things. We had plenty of talks with the parents but it wasn't until we put up a privacy fence along the property line this past year that all the shenanigans stopped. I kind of hate that we rarely see those kids anymore but there had to be a physical boundary set before something else was destroyed.
And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
Gen. 11:4-8
I know you recognize this passage of scripture from the story of the Tower of Babel and while I'm sure this all seems unrelated, bear with me, I am going somewhere with this...
Can I tell you there was a time that I wondered...even questioned...why God did not want the people of that time building a tower to heaven. I mean what's wrong with that, right? I wondered why God did not want mankind to be of one language, a people who communicated well enough to make anything possible to them. After all, I thought God loved us and wanted us in heaven. I thought he wanted us to communicate and get along with each other. So, why did he stop them from reaching heaven? Why did God confuse their language?
Then I realized a truth, not the only truth behind this passage of scripture mind you, but a truth that gave me a greater understanding of both man and God.
You see, men do not like boundaries. Never have and never will. We don't like rules. We don't like laws. We don't like authority. That's just the way we are.
I mean stop and think about it, God gave Adam and Eve just ONE rule. "you can eat of every tree in garden EXCEPT for that one..." and they broke it! They just couldn't stand to have something forbidden from them. They had to have it! Yet, the almighty God in his infinite wisdom set boundaries. Boundaries for Adam and Eve, boundaries for the people at the Tower of Babel. All kinds of boundaries that no man should cross. Why? Because, in the words of my mother and probably yours, "it's for your own good". God's boundaries are for man's protection. They are safety nets if you will, against danger. They are walls to keep evil out and good in. Just like the railings at the Grand Canyon or the privacy fence on my property line. Had Adam and Eve not crossed the boundary of that tree that day, the whole world would be a MUCH different place!!!!
Yet still in this day and age, though the bible has given us example after example of boundaries and the dangers of crossing them; remember Korah?, we live in a world whose mindset is "NO BOUNDARIES", "NO WORRIES", "NO FEAR", "EVERYTHING GOES", "JUST DO IT".
Recognize any of those slogans? Of course you do!!!!
We live in a world where people have set no limitations on themselves in any area of their lives. There is no restraint, no discretion, no self-discipline, no restrictions, no decency, no shame, no morals, NO BOUNDARIES. We live in a world where we are trying to get to heaven WITHOUT God....hmmm, think Tower of Babel!
A world where people (even self-proclaimed Christians) believe you can do what you want, live how you want, act how you want, dress how you want, speak how you want, have whatever sexual orientation you want....SIN as much as you want...and still go to GOD'S heaven. i.e. Ever been to a funeral where anyone didn't go to heaven, no matter how horrible a person they were?
They are Tower of Babel minded...saying, we will make a name for ourselves and build our way to heaven without God being involved or getting in the way. Saying, we do not need Him!
He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.
Prov. 25:28
The World English Bible says it like this...
Like a city that is broken down and without walls is a man whose spirit is without restraint.
We have become like unguarded, un-fenced cities, lying prey to whatever enemy desires to come in and destroy.
As people in general and especially as "Christians" we must have God's boundaries established in our lives. After all they really are for our own good.
Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set. Prov. 22:28
Remove not the old landmark; and enter not into the fields of the fatherless...
Prov. 23:10
God, through His word, has set holy standards, boundaries...landmarks...for our safety and protection against the enemy. To keep us on a good and safe path. To give us guidance on getting into heaven through the "Door" instead of trying to get in some other way like the people at Babel.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
John 10:1
I've watched with my own eyes as churches have become cities without walls, allowing and accepting anything (every worldly spirit of every kind) to walk in a take up residence without batting an eye. Yes, it's an epidemic and not just in denominal churches but in Apostolic churches as well.
There are churches that look like the world, act like the world, talk like the world, sound like the world, do things like the world, they love with the shallowness of the world's love and then claim to be holy churches of God separated from the world!!!??? I don't get it and neither does God!!! They've torn down the holy standards, landmarks and boundaries that God has placed so that they don't offend and the "world" doesn't feel rejected, unloved or unaccepted. They have allowed the ungodly to become, players, singers and entertainers on God's holy platform. Saying, "if you have a talent we will use you. It doesn't matter how unholy and ungodly you are in your daily life!" We have allowed them to teach and impress worldly attitudes onto our children service after service until our children have learned no fear or respect for the holy things of God. We have allowed men (the devil) to creep in unawares and corrupt a holy, pure land all because we would rather live without boundaries.
From one Christian to another, I urge you today to reflect upon your life. Take a really good look! Do you have boundaries as to what you will allow into your life? Into your spirit? Do you put limits on the places you go? On the things you look at? On the things you say? On the things you hear? On what you put (or not put) on your body? On how and what you spend the money and blessings God has given you? On your relationships and who you allow to influence you or touch you and how far you will let them go?
The Devil's shenanigans are not going to stop in our lives until we set up some boundaries to keep him out!
None of us are perfect and there are areas we all have to do some improving on, but I for one do not want to live without boundaries! I don't want to attend a church without walls! Boundaries and walls are good. They keep us safe from the predators of this world. They put solid ground under our feet and a barrier between us and the mischievous one who would break through to steal, kill and destroy. We must have boundaries and I thank God for them!!!!!
Let us establish God's boundaries in our lives today!!!!
There are churches that look like the world, act like the world, talk like the world, sound like the world, do things like the world, they love with the shallowness of the world's love and then claim to be holy churches of God separated from the world!!!??? I don't get it and neither does God!!! They've torn down the holy standards, landmarks and boundaries that God has placed so that they don't offend and the "world" doesn't feel rejected, unloved or unaccepted. They have allowed the ungodly to become, players, singers and entertainers on God's holy platform. Saying, "if you have a talent we will use you. It doesn't matter how unholy and ungodly you are in your daily life!" We have allowed them to teach and impress worldly attitudes onto our children service after service until our children have learned no fear or respect for the holy things of God. We have allowed men (the devil) to creep in unawares and corrupt a holy, pure land all because we would rather live without boundaries.
From one Christian to another, I urge you today to reflect upon your life. Take a really good look! Do you have boundaries as to what you will allow into your life? Into your spirit? Do you put limits on the places you go? On the things you look at? On the things you say? On the things you hear? On what you put (or not put) on your body? On how and what you spend the money and blessings God has given you? On your relationships and who you allow to influence you or touch you and how far you will let them go?
The Devil's shenanigans are not going to stop in our lives until we set up some boundaries to keep him out!
None of us are perfect and there are areas we all have to do some improving on, but I for one do not want to live without boundaries! I don't want to attend a church without walls! Boundaries and walls are good. They keep us safe from the predators of this world. They put solid ground under our feet and a barrier between us and the mischievous one who would break through to steal, kill and destroy. We must have boundaries and I thank God for them!!!!!
Let us establish God's boundaries in our lives today!!!!
The Devil's church says...Come as you are, we accept you just the way you are, we love you. There's no judgment and no need to change anything.
God's church says...Come as you are, we love you and while you're here, how about leaving your hurt, your baggage, your worldly attitude, ideas, thoughts and your sin at the alter and then walk away in newness of life.
God's church says...Come as you are, we love you and while you're here, how about leaving your hurt, your baggage, your worldly attitude, ideas, thoughts and your sin at the alter and then walk away in newness of life.