Have each lady bring their favorite mexican dish or dessert. Designate a few ladies to bring the drinks (tea, soda, etc.). Decorate the hall in all the festive mexican colors. Red, Yellow, Green, Orange, etc. Have a basket of chips and salsa at each table for appetizers. You can serve the chips in inexpensive straw sombreros. Just place the chips around the rim of the hat and place a small dish of salsa in an indention made in the top of the hat. Most times these hats and fiesta decorations can be found at $1 shops.
No mexican fiesta is complete without a Pinata! You can either buy a pinata or make your own. For our fiesta night I made a pinata out of a medium sized brown paper bag. I simply made fringe out of my red, green and yellow crepe paper and glued layers onto the bag. I filled the bag with goodies such as purse sized tissues, trial sized bottles of hand sanitizer, other small purse sized items that ladies like and; of course, candy. I folded over the top of the bag, added a loop of string to make a hanger and for an extra touch cut "chili peppers" out of construction paper and hung them from strings off the bottom of the bag. It was a HUGE hit.
Suggestion: Unglue the bottom of the bag and reseal using a glue stick before filling the bag with your goodies. This help the pinata to "bust" easier.
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