Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Good morning world.  REJOICE!

I woke today to a glorious, sunshine filled, warm, spring morning which always puts me in just the best of moods.  How about you?  Does a warm sun shiny spring day put you in a good mood?  I thought so.  On my way to work this morning this well known, often used scripture popped into my head...

This is the day which the LORD hath made;
we will rejoice and be glad in it.
                              Psalm 118:24

As I meditated upon this scripture something became very clear to me that I had never seen in it before...

This is the day which THE LORD made...

Often times and it seems like a lot lately, I allow the devil to rule my day by allowing him to continually fill my mind with worries, frustrations and the cares of life.  Do you do that too?  I think we all do! 

The devil, he's just doing his job.  He's the master of discouragement.  If he can get our minds off of God and the good things of today, then he has accomplished what he has set out to do and has won today's battle.  The bible exhorts us not to give place to the devil (Eph. 4:27).  You've heard the old addage, "give him an inch and he will take a mile".  That's exactly what the devil does.  If you give him just a little bit of your attention by meditating upon the worries and cares he places in your mind, he will soon take over your entire thought process.  Before you know it, your day is ruined!  Your week is ruined.  Your month is ruined, and so on, but today I am reminded and I remind you, that "this is the day THE LORD hath made".  The devil didn't make this day.  The devil didn't give us this day so I ask, "Why do we allow him rule it?"   

Don't let the devil steal this beautiful day from you.  Instead, REJOICE!!!!  Sing praises to the creator of this day.  Those songs of praise will wash away the worries and cares that are stressing you and will refresh and renew your mind and spirit.  Give it a try and have a glorious day!

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This blog is dedicated to all things inspirational, with it's basis solely from the infallible, inerrant word of God. Unless otherwise posted all scripture references will be taken from the Kings James version of the Holy Bible. Some biblical material and docrinal views on this blog may be controversial in content. I ask when viewing this type of material that you open your heart solely to the word of God and allow his truth, as written in his word, to teach and guide you.
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